
中央社区学院将主办2024年 哥伦布校园春季毕业典礼 仪式将于5月10日(星期五)晚上7点举行.m. 内布拉斯加州哥伦布市63街4500号突袭者球场. This ceremony honors our students who are earning a diploma or degree in May or summer 2024.



  • Right away: Review all material in this checklist and the Important graduation information that follows. Some college student groups require additional steps to ensure appropriate recognition during the ceremony. Continue checking your CCC email for additional graduation announcements.
  • 到4月24日(星期三): RSVP above to confirm if you will or will not attend the 2024 graduation day events on Friday, May 10. 请回复.
  • 4月25日星期四: 作为一名毕业生,你被邀请参加g毕业生答谢招待会o在下午3:30开始的学生表彰仪式之后.m. The reception will take place in the Columbus Community Hospital Center for Science and Technology 然后马上开始 学生表彰仪式 or around 4:30 p.m. 招待会的费用由CCC全世界最大的网赌网址支付. 
  • 到5月9日星期四: 在哥伦布校园书店购买毕业纪念章. The cost for your gown (forest green), cap, and tassel, will be $41 plus tax. Please note, gowns, caps and tassels may note be available until April 9. Also, the bookstore will provide you with 10 free graduation invitations for you to give to your family and friends. 请致电哥伦布校园书店了解更多信息,电话:402 562-1251.
  • Friday, May 10: 参加2024年春季毕业典礼. 会议议程如下:

-所有毕业生都会见面 in the Fine Arts Theater不迟于下午5点.m. 排练和组成游行队伍. 办理登机手续开始于 4:45 p.m.


- Doors for the Raider Fieldhouse will open for guests and general audience at 6:15 p.m. 请让你的客人知道.

-毕业典礼于晚上7点在突袭者运动场开始.m. 仪式将持续大约一个小时,在晚上8点左右结束.m.

- All graduates, family and friends are invited to a reception immediately following the ceremony.


Cap and Gown

你的绿色猎帽, tassel, and gown can be purchased through the Follett bookstore on the Columbus Campus. 总成本是 $41 plus tax. 每项费用为:

  • Gown: 28.50, plus tax
  • Cap: $7.25, plus tax
  • Tassel: $5.25, plus tax

帽子、长袍和流苏可以在购买时领取. 这家书店一般星期一到星期四上午9点营业.m.–4 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. 如果你有其他问题, 或者不能拿起你的帽子, tassel, and gown, 联系福莱特书店,电话:402-562-1251或 0255mgr@follett.com. (注:会有一个9美元.99美元的运费,如果物品邮寄给你.)


哥伦布书店 also 为每位毕业生提供 ten 免费的毕业邀请分发给您的家人和 朋友. Your guests are not 必须带着请柬参加婚礼.

Live Stream

Friends and family who are unable to physically attend are invited to view the commencement ceremony via live stream on the 中央社区学院 graduation page


Honor medallions will be awarded during the ceremony to those students earning a degree (AAS, AA, AS, ADN),累积平均绩点达到3分.75 or above. Eligibility is based on the student's cumulative GPA from all previous final grades after the fall semester and prior to the current semester. Courses taken during the current semester are not used in determining honors for commencement). 荣誉勋章却不是 奖励给获得奖学金的学生loma only. 学生必须参加颁奖典礼才能获得奖章. 你应该确认一下 your eligibility for this honor by contacting Ronda Ryan by May 3 at 402-562-1278 or rryan@yuxinjdsb.com

Phi Theta Kappa

One of the benefits of Phi Theta Kappa membership is being recognized for academic excellence at the annual college commencement ceremonies held at the end of each spring semester. Members in good standing may call attention to their academic success by wearing Phi Theta Kappa graduation regalia with their caps and gowns.

All active PTK members are given a Phi Theta Kappa tassel, cord and stole to wear at commencement. 请向你的导师咨询你的徽章. 额外的徽章可通过 PTK online store 以会员的费用.


Graduates who are inducted members of the 荣誉协会 will be able to wear a SALUTE honors stole. Email VMRC@yuxinjdsb.com or call the VMRC at 308-398-7811 了解更多信息 on how to get your SALUTE honors stole.


以表CCC对服务及奉献的感激, 所有即将毕业的退伍军人和现役军人都会被打红, white and blue Veteran’s appreciation honor cord to wear with their graduation regalia. 完成下面的表格,以注册一个荣誉绳,电子邮件 VMRC@yuxinjdsb.com 或致电308-398-7811了解更多信息.



Iris Photography Studio will be taking pictures at the graduation ceremony as each graduate receives their degree or diploma. Photographs will be available for purchase online via digital download or to be mailed directly from Iris Photography. The CCC Foundation alumni relations office will mail one complimentary 4x6 photograph to your current address on file with the registrar’s office. Allow up to four weeks for your complimentary photograph to be mailed and make sure your address on file is current. 

下面是毕业相册的链接. It is the same link for all campus locations, with a separate group for each. 要访问照片,你需要输入你的电子邮件地址. Allow 2-3 days after your commencement ceremony for photos to be available.

如有任何问题,请与校友总监Cheri Beda联系 cheribeda@yuxinjdsb.com or 402-460-2157

View Photos


Do not be alarmed when you open your degree folder at graduation and find it empty! Final grades are due several days after the ceremony; thus, 你的最终学术信用审查将在此之后进行. 如果你在5月完成学业, 你可以期待你的学位和/或文凭的邮件在六月底. 如果你是一名暑期毕业生, you can look for your degree and/or diploma at the beginning of September. 

*Please note: If you have an outstanding balance with the student accounts office, you will not have access to your transcript and your degree will not be mailed to you until all remaining bills are paid. Contact the student accounts office to take care of any outstanding balances.


对于毕业无障碍需求,请联系 CoLynn Paprock电话:402-562-1240或 colynnpaprocki@yuxinjdsb.com.

Wheelchair accessible guest seating is available upon request by contacting 詹妮弗Wurdeman 电话:402-562-1241或 jewurdeman@yuxinjdsb.com. 这些请求应在5月3日星期五之前收到.


Each year 中央社区学院 creates a video slideshow to celebrate your time at CCC with a compilation of graduates’ photos. We invite you to submit your own college experience photos to be included. 照片可以包括朋友, family, baby photos, 以及在校内和校外参加的活动. The video will be on display for you and your fellow graduates during pre-commencement activities. 提交照片的截止日期是2024年4月26日. Photos can be attached to your RSVP or you can email them to Heidi Wilshusen at hwilshusen@yuxinjdsb.com. 所有提交的照片必须得到CCC的批准. Submission of photos serves as permission to be used for slideshow purpose only.



Ronda Ryan