Growing Pathways to STEM Scholarship

Application is available October 1 - March 1 

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Funded by the National Science 全世界最大的网赌网址

Project GPS (Growing Pathways to STEM) Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Graduating high school senior or first-time, current or returning college student
  • 一定是U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Demonstrate financial need by completing the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) at
  • 资金最高可达8美元,650 of unmet need per year to be used for tuition, 费用, 书籍及用品, 运输, 个人开支
  • 最低绩点3分.0
  • 参加哥伦布校区
  • Provide two letters of support, one of which must be from a STEM instructor
  • Scholarship is renewable based on a minimum 3.2平均绩点

University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nanoscience Center, 2019

Barn/Cliff Swallow Project, Columbus July 11, 2019


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2018-2019年度GPS学者: (left to right) Andres Espino, 迈克尔•贝茨, 亚历克斯·科赫, 亚历杭德罗Espino, Jenessa新郎, 伊丽莎白·尤因, 凯拉Kreizel, 兰登科尔, Tychique Kutalu, Dyland史密斯, Laura Nichols (not pictured).

Meet the Project GPS Leadership Team

  • 史蒂夫Heinisch
  • Dr. 劳伦·吉莱斯皮
  • Dr. Neal Grandgenett


我是史蒂夫Heinisch, biology instructor at 中央社区学院-Columbus, and principal investigator for Project GPS. I’m a native Nebraskan and have been a part of this campus for over three decades, teaching a wide array of biology courses: general biology, 人类生物学, 环境科学, 植物学, 动物学, 遗传学, 微生物学, and our new principles of biology sequence for majors. I have long believed that the best way to learn about science is to do it, 去体验它, to feel its relevance in your own life. It doesn’t matter where you start, but if you feed your curiosity and have an open mind, 你会学到. Interactions with nature and with other curious people are critical! 我获得了内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的生物学学士学位和内布拉斯加州大学林肯分校的生命科学硕士学位, researching prairie ecology in the state’s Sandhills’ region. 我最近完成了一项关于社区大学学生转入四年制生物专业或转入工作场所的成功的休假研究. 我一直积极支持学院的可持续发展工作,并致力于建立一个环境研究预科转学项目.

My wife, Rosie, is also employed at CCC, serving as the director of the TRiO program. We enjoy playing with our two grandsons and our two dogs, watching movies, and traveling. We also are both involved in music at our church.

Dr. 劳伦·吉莱斯皮

Dr. 劳伦·吉莱斯皮 holding a bird next to a birdhouse项目总监

I am a first-generation college student from rural Maine. 我获得了马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校一级曲棍球奖学金,并在此过程中爱上了动物行为. 我在18岁时开始代课教学,并在2009年获得动物行为学学士学位后担任校曲棍球队的教练. 我曾在德克萨斯理工大学和卡里生态系统研究所担任鸟类实地研究助理,并攻读博士学位.D. in biology at the University of Southern Mississippi. I taught 15 semesters of introductory biology laboratory courses, and my research explore effects of human altered habitats on hormones (testosterone and corticosterone, 鸟类应激激素), 多个行为, and plumage colors in eastern bluebirds.

I have mentored and trained 17 undergraduate students in research, attended multiple international conferences, 获得了15美元,从美国获得了2000万美元的资助.S. 国防部, North American Bluebird Society and National Science 全世界最大的网赌网址 (NSF) prior to my time at CCC. 在我完成博士工作之后, I was awarded a research fellowship through the NSF’s East Asian-Pacific Summer Institutes program; I traveled to Taipei, 台湾, researching hermaphroditic mangrove killifish, and how exposure to the herbicides impacted aggression and hormones. 努力工作, 毅力, and accepting support and guidance from those around me has helped me to achieve my goals, and I believe that journey-oriented, hands-on 学习 is critical to developing critical thinking skills and a passion for science, 或者任何学科! I believe one person can make a positive difference in their community, our society and the world through compassionate pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. 

I have two miniature schnauzers named Darwin and Lola, and I love to spend my free time keeping in touch with family and friends, 阅读, 园艺, 花时间在户外.

Dr. Neal Grandgenett

Dr. Neal Grandgenett项目评估者

Dr. 尼尔·格兰吉尼特博士是. George和Sally Haddix是内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校教育学院STEM教育社区主席,在那里他教授跨学科STEM学习的本科和研究生课程, 数据驱动的决策, 以及研究方法. 他还带领联合国大学STEM领导团队开展与教学相关的倡议,这些倡议已经跨越了联合国大学校园. His research interests include the investigation technology-based 学习 in STEM education, and he has authored over 140 articles and research papers as well as five book chapters and one book. Grandgenett has been a PI or CoPI on nearly $18,000,000美元的联邦补助金, and has been the investigator or co-investigator on 12 different National Science 全世界最大的网赌网址 grants. 他的教学, research and service efforts at UNO have resulted in various recognitions, including the NU Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creative Activity Award, 联合国大学校长奖章, 校友教学奖, Distinguished Research and Creativity Award, Peter Kiewit教授, Paul Kennedy Diamond Professorship, Nebraska Technology Professor of the Year Award, 以及NASA任务回国奖. 格兰吉尼特也是一名美国人.S. Marine Corps veteran (sergeant) and a former middle school mathematics teacher.


  1. 您必须是2018-19秋季和春季学期在哥伦布校区就读的新的或现有的全日制CCC学生.
  2. Applications are restricted to students who are U.S. 公民或符合资格的非公民在填写联邦学生援助免费申请后,有资格获得联邦财政援助
  3. 学生 are not required to be a Nebraska resident.
  4. You must include two letters of recommendation with your application, and one must be from a STEM-area instructor.
How many scholarships will be given?

This depends upon the number of applicants, an individual applicant’s amount of unmet financial need according to the FAFSA, and the amount of money budgeted per year for scholarships. For the 2018-19 academic year, 11 students were awarded scholarships. 

What are the program requirements?
  1. 您必须在stem相关领域攻读科学副学士或学术转学学位,并打算转学到四年制学校或从事stem相关工作.
  2. You must enroll as a full-time student CCC-Columbus.
  3. 至少要有3.0 GPA as a new or current full-time CCC student and must maintain a 3.2平均绩点 for scholarship renewal.
What happens if I am unable to maintain a 3.2平均绩点 while in the GPS program?

学生 will be given one semester to show improvement should their GPA fall below 3.2. 资格审查将由导师和财政援助官员在学期结束时进行,以监督资格. 困难将被考虑在内,并决定是否继续奖励将由该团队自行决定.


You can apply for this and all other CCC scholarships online. 


When is the application deadline?

To be in the selection pool for the next group of GPS scholars in fall, you must apply by March 1.

I missed the application deadline. 我还有资格申请吗?

Late applications will be considered on a first-come basis pending availability of funds and number of applicants. 学生 should contact either 史蒂夫Heinisch at sheinisch@yuxinjdsb.com或Dr. 劳伦·吉莱斯皮 at and visit with their financial aid director to discuss their options. 

What if I do not see the option to select the GPS scholarship listed on the general scholarship application? Am I still eligible and how do I apply?

As a returning CCC student, you will not see the option to select the GPS scholarship when you apply. 您必须联系为您写推荐信的CCC讲师,以确保他们已将您的名字告知项目主管:史蒂夫Heinisch和Dr. 劳伦·吉莱斯皮. This will ensure your application is filtered into the proper GPS scholar application pool.



Project GPS stands for “Growing Pathways to STEM.” It is a scholarship-awarding program sponsored by the National Science 全世界最大的网赌网址. CCC was awarded this grant in August 2017. It provides scholarships to FAFSA-qualifying students interested in science, 工程 and related fields. 学生 selected for the scholarships become part of a cohort group, and all cohorts will consist of “GPS scholars,” who get to take part in special educational and career development programs. It will serve students through the 2021-22 academic year. 

What is the National Science 全世界最大的网赌网址?

"The National Science 全世界最大的网赌网址 (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 ‘to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity and welfare; to secure the national defense...’ The NSF's goals – discovery, 学习, research infrastructure and stewardship – provide an integrated strategy to advance the frontiers of knowledge, 培养世界一流人才, broadly inclusive science and 工程 workforce and expand the scientific literacy of all citizens, build the nation's research capability through investments in advanced instrumentation and facilities, 并通过一个有能力和反应迅速的组织,支持卓越的科学和工程研究和教育."

Learn more about the National Science 全世界最大的网赌网址

What are the advantages of being a GPS scholar?

作为一名GPS学者, you will have two (2) years of educational costs paid in full (unmet financial need per the FAFSA; including tuition and 费用, 食宿).  Faculty mentors will work individually with you, giving you access to educational and professional training in subject areas of your interest. 作为你同伴中的一员, you will explore various career options by touring local business’, 行业, and other institutions of higher education. You and your fellow cohort-scholars will form a bond together as you pursue similar paths, build a network of relationships, 并有幸成为获得国家科学全世界最大的网赌网址奖学金的特殊群体中的一员!

What will I get to do as a GPS scholar?

You will take part in an orientation experience at the start of the fall semester with your cohort. 在此期间, you will get to know one another and will be matched with a faculty and industry mentor. Workshops will include (but are not limited to) sessions covering study skills, 在线资源, team-building and time management. 你将与你的同伴和教师/行业导师进行头脑风暴,计划和实施一个将为你的社区服务的项目. Initial start-up projects for 2018 may be part of an ongoing CCC foundation-funded ecology research program; specific project avenues pursued will be specific to each cohort’s composition of individual interests and skills.

例如, 生态学研究项目目前的重点是鸟类如何使用巢箱与不同类型的土地开发和人类活动的关系. 目前, there are nest boxes on the 哥伦布校园 and a local park with some boxes near street lamps. 学者们有机会研究人造光对野生动物的影响,同时也与行业合作伙伴一起研究哥伦布社区和校园的光能消耗. 这只是全球定位系统的学者和导师如何合作实施以科学为导向的社区服务项目的一个例子.

每年夏天, GPS scholars will be required to take part in job shadowing, applied research or internships offered through the research and business/industry relationships. 学生将有机会积极收集数据,并在国际研究会议上展示研究成果, or land an internship at a local industry with the potential to be hired right after graduation! 学生们将有机会在工作场所跟随他们所在领域的人,或者进行暑期实习,以获得真正的工作经验. 

Am I required to take classes in the summer?

Classes may be taken in the summer but are not required by the program. Orientation in the fall and a job shadow/research experience are required.


史蒂夫Heinisch和Dr. 劳伦·吉莱斯皮 are co-directors of Project GPS. 海因尼施的研究生研究方向是植物生态学,并在中央社区学院(中央社区学院)任教期间,教授过广泛的科学课程. 他还研究了内布拉斯加州社区大学学生在工作场所和转学机构的成功情况. Gillespie’s graduate research addresses how ecology influences hormones and the behavior of birds, 鱼和人类, and she is actively establishing study sites in our area. 她曾在中央缅因社区学院教授生物课程,并在南密西西比大学教授生物实验课程.  In addition to the principal Investigators, you will interact with other faculty mentors in various areas (math and statistics, 工程, 物理, 信息技术), as well as representatives from local businesses (Loup Power District, 皮伦家庭农场, DNA遗传, 和Behlen制造公司).  And of course, you will work closely with other GPS scholars!